vaccinAction 2023

14 February 2024 | 10:30 – 12:00

Room ASP 3H1 | European Parliament, Brussels

REGISTER HERE by 7 February
(registration is free but mandatory)


As the European elections approach, numerous recommendations are proposed on the priorities of the new institutions. Yet, there is a risk of overlooking the substantial work already underway. Therefore, our aim is to address this oversight, with the aspiration that the newly elected politicians will continue to recognise and advance these initiatives. Therefore, it is imperative to highlight the concrete actions taken by key stakeholders in several sectors.

As the European elections approach, numerous recommendations are proposed on the priorities of the new institutions. Yet, there is a risk of overlooking the substantial work already underway. Therefore, our aim is to address this oversight, with the aspiration that the newly elected politicians will continue to recognise and advance these initiatives. Therefore, it is imperative to highlight the concrete actions taken by key stakeholders in several sectors.

For this reason, this institutional event, kindly hosted by MEP Beatrice Covassi (S&D) with the support of the MEPs Interest Group “European Patients' Rights and Cross-border Healthcare”, aims to present concrete activities carried out - in the field of vaccination policies - by different stakeholders, including civil society organizations, the private sector, European project consortia, etc. in order to promote the importance of vaccinations and the need for effective communication strategies by presenting good practices aimed at improving access to and uptake of vaccines. REGISTER HERE by 7 February
(registration is free but mandatory).

Hence, a number of issues and strategies that the next institutions should consider to strengthen vaccination policies, promoting dialogue and collaboration, thus aspiring to shape a healthier and more resilient European community, will be explored.

This event will highlight different aspects of public health and vaccination strategies. Presentations will cover recommendations and concrete activities within EU projects, addressing topics such as boosting immunity in the aging population, establishing a national Observatory for best vaccination practices, MEPs’ interest in life course immunisation and the EU Immunisation Strategy for a more resilient Europe.

The initiative represents an opportunity for networking, knowledge exchange and collaborative discussions and is the final step of the European project #VaccinAction2023, carried out by Cittadinanzattiva - Active Citizenship Network, which focuses on the need to continue to advocate for strengthening adult immunisation in Europe, to protect the value of routine immunisation and its benefits, and to facilitate dialogue between key stakeholders and the European institutions.

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The event is realized in the framework of the VaccinAction 2023